Watch the video on what is EGDI

The European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI) is a platform first created in 2016 to provide free access to pan-European and national geological datasets and services from European National Geological Survey Organisations. More than 800 map layers, a database for 3D geological models and more than 1300 documents (reports, images, spreadsheets, etc.) are available on the website

The development of a data infrastructure containing high quality pan-European data which are freely available to decision-makers, the scientific and academic communities and the public, is crucial to make geoscience-based informed decisions. This FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data can be used in research to answer specific questions or for consultation purposes. Bringing together all these data of various geoscientific themes and from different European countries and platforms in one unique digital infrastructure allows a pan-European picture of specific geoscientific problems or specific spatial areas.

The EGDI infrastructure thus forms the backbone for delivering multinational, distributed, derived, spatial and temporal datasets, in line with INSPIRE and other international standards.

Watch the video and find out more!

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EGDI Factsheet