European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna

Just 48 hours remain until our three events at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) in Vienna.
Don't miss the opportunity to get to know us, explore the European Geological Data Infrastructure (EGDI) to address issues regarding hashtagcriticalMaterials, hashtaggeothermalEnergy and hashtaggroundwater resources, and engage with our experts: Gabriele Leoni from ISPRA, Kristine Asch from Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, José Antonio Fernández Merodo from Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Bentje Brauns from British Geological Survey, Jasna Sinigoj from GeoZS - Geological Survey of Slovenia, Cornelia Steiner from GeoSphere Austria and our project manager Francesco Pizzocolo from TNO.

➡ April 17, 10:45h, room 2.96: Geological Applications for Europe
❗ Limited to 30 attendees!
➡ April 17, 16:15h, room 2.96: Geological Knowledge for Europe
❗ Limited to 30 attendees!
➡ April 17, 19:00h, room G2: Geological Infrastructure for Europe
200-person capacity, featuring nice snacks 🍕 and drinks 🍺 🍷 and an engaging quiz to challenge your geological knowledge with exciting prizes for the winners 🥇!

Check the slides from more information and the agendas!

Otras Noticias

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Ficha técnica de EGDI

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Nueva versión de la página web de EGDI ahora disponible

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A new paper has been published

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Presentación de EGDI Data Search en el Congreso Geológico Español

(julio 2, 2024)

EGDI en el Congreso Geológico Español

(enero 23, 2024)

La plataforma EGDI mencionada en un informe del Parlamento Europeo

(enero 25, 2024)

Nueva interfaz para la Infraestructura Europea de Datos Geológicos (EGDI)