Basic Geology


Multiscale space-related datasets and data products in 1D, 2D and 3D are the fundamental components of geological baseline information delivered by national geological survey organisations. These datasets and products, including description of wells, geological maps, and 3D geomodels, show and explain the geological architecture of the surface and subsurface of the Earth’s crust. Model information comprises lithology, lithostratigraphic units, age (of rocks and events), structural elements (e.g. faults and thrusts), geomorphological features, lithotectonic units, and others. This type of geological baseline information lays the indispensable groundwork for applied geoscientific projects and problem solving.

For many years, the EuroGeoSurveys (EGS) community has worked in EU co-funded projects to harmonise such datasets across Europe. Results of those projects are hosted in EGDI (e.g. the OneGeologyEurope onshore geological map dataset of many European countries at a scale of 1: 1 million and GeoERA datasets) alongside with other datasets from Europe such as the International Geological Map of Europe in scale 1: 5 million (IGME 5000). Nevertheless, data gaps are still huge. In addition, the framework of sound scientific vocabularies, datamodels and workflows, a necessary precondition for further transnational data harmonisation, is still under development.

3D geomodels are the most challenging, however also most effective way to share data and information, and to communicate about the architecture of the Earth’s crust. This type of models have a long-lasting use in the mining and oil&gas industries and more recently in other geoscience applications such as urban geology, risk management or geothermal energy. The construction of 3D geomodels generally relies on proprietary packages. Current EGS efforts are directed towards bridging the gap between 2D and 3D to produce geomodels easily usable by the end-applications, e.g. for simulating processes. To achieve this goal, common methodologies and developments are foreseen at the EGS level with the support of open source solutions.

Within the EuroGeoSurveys community, ongoing and future efforts related to basic geology are undertaken primarily by the Geological Mapping & Modelling Expert Group, with strong support of the Spatial Information Expert Group in all technical aspects.

Basic Geology layers in the EGDI map viewer. All maps will open in a new tab:


Related projects

The International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas
IGME 5000
The 1 : 5 Million International Geological Map of Europe and Adjacent Areas
It shows the pre-Quaternary geology of the entire Europe onshore and – first time at this scale – offshore.
OneGeology Europe
A harmonised datamodel (based on existing international standards) for 1:1 million geological map data.

Other Scientific Themes


EGDI contains data on different sets of boreholes. Currently a WMS services is available.

Earth Observations and Geohazards

The systematic observation of the Earth’s surface and the monitoring of ground deformation allows the precise mapping and assessment of geohazards. Geohazards can have severe impacts on human lives and properties and may lead to serious socio-economic consequences.


Chemical elements are the Earth’s building blocks. Geochemistry is the study of the distribution and concentration of Earth’s elements.


Energy is vital to the functioning of our society. We need energy to heat our homes, to produce food, for transport, and much more. But energy consumption poses two major challenges. First, our huge dependency on fossil fuels. Second, domestic energy production is decreasing.


Establishing the European Geological Surveys Research Area to deliver a Geological Service for Europe (GeoERA).


Earth’s geological processes are happening around us all the time. The results are often distinctive geological sites (geosites) that can be unique, visually appealing or have scientific value.


Geophysics studies the Earth's interior using physical properties measured at or above its surface and produces mathematical models to predict those properties.

Marine Geology

About two-thirds of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. In line with this, Europe’s seas total about fifteen million square kilometres, fifty percent more than its land area.

Mineral Resources

We live in a mineral-based world. It has been said that “if you can’t grow it, you have to mine it”. Indeed, virtually everything we use on a daily basis is manufactured from the Earth’s mineral resources. Mineral raw materials provide us with our basic needs – energy, infrastructure, transportation, technology and more.

Urban Geology

Geological and geotechnical information about the subsurface of cities are of paramount importance and of high socio-economic value for their development and the maintenance of critical infrastructure.

Water Resources

Groundwater, present almost every where beneath our feet, is by far (99%) the largest freshwater resource on earth. As rain falls, it recharge and continuously feeds, rivers, lakes, wetlands and coastal waters.